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Denial Right to Life
Since the First Intifada, nearly seven times as many Palestinians have been killed by Israelis than Israelis killed by Palestinians, and this disparity is growing over time.
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The United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, Michael Lynk, has warned that the recently-announced US plan "is not a recipe for a just and durable peace but rather endorses the creation of a 21st century Bantustan in the Middle East" consisting of "scattered archipelagos...
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"I am satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into the situation in Palestine, pursuant to article 53(1) of the Statute. In brief, I am satisfied that (i) war crimes have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip (“Gaza”); (ii) potential...
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Expresses grave concern as a result of unlawful Israeli practices and measures, and calls for the immediate cessation of all illegal Israeli settlement activities and the construction of the wall, the lifting of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, as well as the complete cessation of the excessive and indiscriminate use of force and military operations
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Israeli soldiers killing, injuring or beating a Palestinians: a collection of testimonies for a single instance each year since 1989. The report traces the development of each case describing its whitewash by the state’s legal branches. The violence and its whitewashing are the two remedies that make up the occupation. The two are closely intertwined:...
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From historical Palestinian lands, to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt, the Israeli Occupation State expanded, since its establishment in 1948, through occupying the lands of Arab countries by military force.
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Between 1947 and 1949, the Zionist military forces seized more than 500 Palestinian villages and towns, caused the displacement of their populations. The following infographic shows how the displacement and destruction of Palestinian villages started before Israel establishment. 1945: more than 1000 Palestinian towns and villages according to British survey. 12 May 1948: population of...
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"Israel has created an institutionalised regime of racial domination and oppression over the Palestinian people as a whole, using the strategic fragmentation of the indigenous Palestinian people and of the oPt as a main tool for the maintenance of its apartheid regime, which predates its ratification of ICERD and is rooted in the foundational laws...
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Demonstrating Israel’s use of security excuses to deliberately implement a policy that makes life unbearable for the Palestinian residents of Hebron’s Old City, in an effort to drive them from their homes. The policy imposed two administrative rules in one city, since the massacre of Palestinians by Baruch Goldstein 25 years ago – enabling a...
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This was a Human Rights Council resolution condemning the use of force by Israeli occupying forces against Palestinian civilians and established an independent international commission of inquiry to investigate all alleged violations and abuses in the context of the military assaults on the large-scale civilian protests that began on 30 March 2018.
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